Friday, 25 May 2012

Pericles Class Fleet Carrier and Diogenes Class Frigates

War Fleet Strabonis gets some more reinforcements for their Maritime forces.

This time it is the Pericles Class Fleet Carrier 'Katapeltes' and  Diogenes Class Frigate Squadron 'Bering'.

Pericles Class Fleet Carrier 'Katapeltes'

 Diogenes Class Frigate Squadron 'Bering'

 What do you think? I am pleased with the result, especially the carrier. It was a pain to paint and build because of the way the parts break down but worth it in the end. Definitely my favourite model for CoA looks wise so far.

Next I will be working on my Dreadnought, then just the escorts for the bigger ships to do and I can start work on my Land and Air forces.


  1. They look great mate! t'was good to see you at the club last night too. How did the battle go?

  2. Was good to see you too mate.
    Went well, we only got to half way through turn three due to time but Mark gave me a win because of how things were on the battlefield at the time. What with both his battleships being seriously damaged a lot of littler stuff sunk and my main ships basically untouched.

  3. Looking good, Ive been busy on the DW myself all buildings done. DWW1 is well on the way for basic design, I know who plays who and where; as well how much land, sea and air. Ive even got mission names...... Its going to be a game heavy weekend.

  4. Good stuff man, I can't wait for it now, its going to be ace.
    A game heavy weekend works for me. After how long it took me and Mark to play through a game the other evening though I think some more practice may be in order. Although that said, if we are all their pooling our knowledge then looking stuff up and what have you will take less time.

  5. Hey, great minds think a like! Your colour scheme is a bit like mine.
    Good job on the frigates. I haven't done my carrier yet, it's a great model and will be fun to paint. Hope mine looks as good as yours.
