Covenant of Antarctica

Good day to you visitor. And welcome to Antarctica, the focal point of science and knowledge in the world today. 

In this archive you will find the records of the War Fleet Strabonis. 
One of a number of War Fleets command by War Master Schneider and Lord Barnabas Draynes Sturgeon him self.

Maritime Elements
The Naval elements of War Fleet Strabonis.
Prometheus Class Dreadnought Nelson

Aristotle Class Battleship Sheldon

Pericles Class Fleet Carrier Katapeltes

Plato Cruiser Squadron Faraday

Diogenes Class Frigate Squadron William Adams

Diogenes Class Frigate Squadron Bering

Thales Class Corvette Squadron Drake

Warfleet's Galen Class Escort attachment.

Mercenaries hired for the cause.
Vladimir Nikonov, the Black Wolf

1 comment:

  1. looking good bud. Just on with a load of DW buildings myself, all prep for the summer weekend is go go go.
