War Fleet Strabonis gets some reinforcements.
Put the finishing touched to my Aristotle Class Battleship 'Sheldon' last night and then got through the first of my squadrons of Diogenes Class Frigate's, this one being Diogenes Class Frigate Squadron 'William Adams'.
And here they are. (Sorry in advance for the less than stellar quality pictures, used my phone rather than the camera as its not here at the moment)
Aristotle Class Battleship 'Sheldon' |
Aristotle Class Battleship 'Sheldon' |
Aristotle Class Battleship 'Sheldon' |
Aristotle Class Battleship 'Sheldon' |
Diogenes Class Frigate Squadron 'William Adams' |
Diogenes Class Frigate Squadron 'William Adams' |
Let me know what you think of them. Criticism is always welcome.
Thanks for checking in.
I refuse to look at these very nicely painted toys as it may further corrupt me towards dystopian wars and this cannot happen.
ReplyDeleteIf I had looked I would say awesome job mate!!
Ah you know you want to Shane, they are just so pretty.
ReplyDeleteShane get yourself a fleet and you can join the man hugs we have before, during and after every game. (wow that sounded even more gay than I usually go for)
ReplyDeleteGood job, these look great. I've only painted my Diogenes Frigate so far, but we've choosen a pretty similar pale blue colour scheme. Good work!