Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Objective (markers) secure

Well I was re-reading the rules pack for the Warhammer 40K Doubles Weekend on Sunday...and boy am I glad I did. I forgot ALL about the 'Brothers in Arms' rules which me and Snorri can take advantage of, so have sorted that out.
Also I noticed that we are required to bring 5 themed, fully painted and based, 40mm objective markers with us.... of which both of us had a grand total of 0.
Luckily I had some 40mm bases lying around so was able to grab them, my bits box and some glue and throw something together.

Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Saturday, 11 February 2012

Plato Class Cruiser Squadron

Well after getting positive feed back from a couple of people and also liking it my self I decided that this was the paint scheme for me and continued the painting.

I sat down today and painted up the other two Plato Class Cruisers and also went ahead and did all 12 of the energy turrets (from various units) in one big batch.

Thursday, 9 February 2012

Out the paint shop and ready for inspection sir!

I have painted up my first test miniatures for the Covenant of Antarctica. Stuck with the original plan for the paint scheme for the most part. Few minor changes mid work, but lets face it, that nearly always happens.

Fresh from the founrdy and heading for paint....

Got all my forces for Covenant of Antarctica unboxed and assembled last night.

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Covenant of Antarctica

My Covenant of Antarctica box sets arrived today.
And I have to say  I am very pleased by the quality of the models and the quality of the service provided by Spartan Games.

Sunday, 5 February 2012

Necron test miniatures

Found my self with a spare hour this afternoon so decided it was about time I painted a test Necron or two to make sure the colour scheme I want to do actually works.
The scheme I have gone for is black and grey with red power units. Fairly simple paint scheme, but since when do Necrons care about looks.
All the bases are as if they are still aboard their ships.

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Quick update...

Nothing major really.
Just updating to say I finally got round to redesigning my Ultramar and Anapnut blogs to be for info only and not to he posted on to. As that is what here is for.
They will still get force information and pictures etc. as they act as the page links for here.